Thursday, June 25, 2009

Cavity Walls

Cavity Walls consists of 2 adjacent half brick walls separated by a gap and connected by wall ties. They are used as external walls to provide insulation from sound, heat and even water. The cavity may be left empty (i.e., filled with air) or an insulating material be inserted in it.

Download File:
Cavity Wall

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Paint: Manufacture, Application & Defects

Paint is an important material in the construction industry. It is used mainly for decorative purpose, but apart from decoration, paint also helps in preserving the surface it is being applied on from weathering and ensures its durability.

A document on Manufacture of Paint and another on Application & Defects of Paints is attached.

Friday, June 19, 2009

Water Treatment

Apart from the traditional ways, there are other methods of treating waste water like implying the use of Reed Beds and compost toilets. It is recommended that greywater is reused in the form of water for gardening purpose or other purposes. Greywater can be treated by using treatment ponds at your home. Treatment ponds are ponds which gather greywater and certain bacteria and/or plant & animal species help in its treatment. Though this method does not make the treated water fit for drinking purpose, still it can be used for gardening purpose. A list of Plant & Animal species used in such treatments ponds are given in the attached word file.

Download File:

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Monday, June 1, 2009

Delhi Climatological Data

Source: IMD

Source: Internet
Source: Internet
Delhi Covers an area of 1484 and is 239m above sea level. It comes under the composite climate zone with high variation between summer and winter temperatures. Summers are long, extremely hot, from early April to mid-October, with the monsoon season in between. Beginning of March sees a reversal in the direction of wind, from the north-western direction, to the south-western. These bring the hot waves from Rajasthan, carrying sand and are a characteristic of the Delhi summer. The months of February to May see a time of hot, prickling heat, with highly oxidizing conditions. At the end of June, humidity increases, bringing some respite in fluctuating rains in the months of July to September. Winter starts in late October and peaks in January and is notorious for its heavy fog. Extreme temperatures range from −0.6 ° to 48 °C.
The annual mean temperature is 25 °. Monthly mean temperatures range from 13 °C to 32 °C. The average annual rainfall is approximately 714 mm, most of which is during the monsoons in July and August.